Mobile Application design (Mobile Apps)

MYOT.IE - a mini-web application designed for mobile context

It's been an interesting few weeks for Active Online running up to Christmas and in first week of 2012, preparing for the launch of the MYOT.IE application. Our first 'high-profile' venture into "mobile only" as the context for a web application, brought to bear all our resources to meet a very tight timeline to deploy a code efficient, fast and unique solution.

When people refer to mobile apps they generally mean downloadable apps for either the iPhone or Android mobile phones. However mobile apps can also refer to web based mobile apps which are designed to run an a standard web server but which are designed with the mobile user the priority.

These mobile apps are accessed over the internet by mobile phones with browsers and therefore are not tied to one technology. That is, in theory any mobile phone with a browser can access the application, i.e. Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, RIM Blackberry, etc. This provides a number of key advantages: Greater potential end-user reach, greatly reduces the cost of code maintenance and deployment of new features, no licence fees or manufacturer imposed restrictions, accessible via standard PC and more importantly a considerably more cost effective solution for mobile app development and deployment.

With ever increasing adoption of smart-phones the mobile context is becoming more important for consideration when re-designing your website.

From a simple strategy such as providing a simplified version of your website to assist mobile visitors to access your contact information to deploying e-business solutions, thinking "mobile" should be a priority for any marketing manager.

In the case of the mini-web app MYOT.IE it made perfect sense to go mobile from the outset in order to give the application the best chance of take-up and access by busy people. MYOT is a small web application that allows fans of the popular RTE programme "Operation Transformation" to track their own progress (Weight & Waist measurement) against the "Leader" that they are following. Recipe, Food Shopping lists, exercise program for the day and videos are also available for review.

(The first episode aired on Wednesday, RTE1 @ 8:00pm ... and will run weekly until the end of February. For more information on Operation Transformation got to the RTE website at )

To read more on mobile web design or mobile web apps visit us at

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